It will be most interesting to see what story, if any, finally emerges about General Ham’s reported attempt to send aid to the beleaguered American ambassador in Benghazi the evening of 9/11. As of this writing, apparently, only the American Thinker is reporting that Gen Ham is still the head of Africa Command. But that leaves open the question of whether or not General Ham made the attempt and was rebuffed by the Pentagon or thwarted by his second in command. In any case, General Ham’s retirement was announced by SecDef Leon Panetta on October 18th.
Perhaps it is best to keep an allegedly recalcitrant General out of the country and on ice until after the election.
However, considering or attempting to come to the aid of fellow Americans is, apparently, less of a faux pas than speaking the truth in a military classroom about the terrorist machinations of Muslims. As the Thomas More Law Center recently reported:
October 8th, 2012
Muslims Offended—Soldier’s Career Destroyed—Official Army Records Show Loss to NationANN ARBOR, MI – During a Pentagon press conference on May 10, 2012, General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, publicly excoriated Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Matthew Dooley, a 1994 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a highly decorated combat veteran. His reason: The course on Islamic Radicalism which LTC Dooley was teaching at the Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) of the National Defense University was offensive to Muslims.
General Dempsey characterized LTC Dooley’s course as “totally objectionable,” and ordered all material offensive to Islam scrubbed from military professional education within the JFSC and elsewhere. But that’s not all. LTC Dooley was fired from his instructor position and given an ordered negative Officer Evaluation Report (OER) — the death-knell for a military career.
The actions against LTC Dooley follow a letter to the Department of Defense dated October 19, 2011 signed by 57 Muslim organizations demanding that all training materials offensive to Islam and Muslims be purged and the trainers disciplined.
A review of LTC Dooley’s OERs going back several years, including his OER as an instructor with JFSC, paint a picture of an outstanding officer with unlimited potential. . .
Political incorrectness excepted, of course.
It’s been almost two years since Navy Captain Owen Honors was disappeared off the deck of the USS Enterprise for demonstrating poor judgment by taping and playing “raunchy” videos intended to boost crew morale when he was Executive Officer on that same carrier. His having poked some good-natured fun at homosexual activities sealed Capt Honors’ fate despite the fact that his crew supported him over the videos:
The public may be cringing at the videos created by the captain of the USS Enterprise containing gay-bashing and sexual jokes, but many crew members who served with him are rallying to his defense.
Capt. Owen Honors, who has been relieved of his command due to his role in making the videos, received glowing praise today from his sailors, who are joining Facebook groups, signing petitions, and creating bumper stickers to show support.
In solidarity with Honors, Facebook groups with titles like “We Support Captain O.P. Honors!“ have garnered thousands of members. Nearly 1,000 have signed a petition to keep him as commander of the carrier, and many have swapped out their Facebook pictures for images of Honors in uniform.
Before Honors became XO of the Enterprise, the mood on board was “awful,” said Kimberly Wooster, 32, who served as an electronics technician from 2001 to 2005 and left because she was so unhappy.
When asked if other XOs or commanders did anything to boost morale on the ship before Honors, Wooster responded, “Hell no.”
The morale of a super-carrier’s crew is apparently of less concern to Navy brass than offended homosexual sensitivities. And thus, the career of another outstanding officer was unceremoniously flushed.
Political correctness and social engineering have no place within the ranks of the military, especially amongst the leadership. The ongoing feminization, homofication, lawyerization and Islamification of the military cannot but weaken our armed forces. And, in my opinion, this is not entirely unintentional.
“Sequestration” budget cutting is therefore not the only issue relevant to the degradation of the U.S. military’s combat capacity and effectiveness. Nor is it necessarily even the most destructive. Budgets are more readily restored than lost fighting spirit.
So, you should not be too surprised that we did essentially nothing to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his fellow sacrificial lambs. There was a time when no one would think of publicly humiliating the U.S. as they did in Benghazi. Those days are long gone. We’ve been backsliding and downsizing our military capacities for quite some time now. And it doesn’t seem as though Mr. Romney has any major reversal planned.
However, if he’s elected on Tuesday and names Allen West Secretary of Defense, I could be persuaded to reconsider.
Update: There are any number of ways to skin the military cat as illustrated by a recent report from George Soros’s minions at the Center for American Progress. The former USAF spooks at In from the Cold
once again provide some insight into the “war” on military retirement benefits
that is another battleground in the assault on America’s fighting forces. If you’re interested in reading the full report, please click here >