Response to a “Court Says Marine Porn No Big Deal” e-mail

From a correspondent:


Ya brings new meaning to “proud”…

I wonder how the straight soldier would feel if he found he was sharing his field tent with 4 gay brothers — just a thought.

I have several gay friends and am exposed to many in the **** community, I just don’t think we are handling things for the majority anymore.


My response:

Dear L.

I would have fewer problems with open homosexuality in the military and gays in general if fighting harassment and discrimination were really the primary issues. However, the mission of the gay political agenda is normalization. That is, there will be no distinction between heterosexual and homosexual relationships. Hence, gay marriage, same-sex couple adoption, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera — to quote Yul Brynner.

A good part of the problem with deciding how to deal with these issues is that few people know very much about the dark underbelly of the gay “rights” movement. The ACLU/Gay war against the Boy Scouts over the past twenty years gives a very strong indication that the gay rights movement is more about placing themselves ahead of others. Just yesterday, I made my annual $25 contribution to the cub scouts by buying a box of their microwave kettlecorn popcorn. When I mentioned to the three adults with the scouts that this was my way of getting back at the ACLU, the response was blank stares. They had no notion of what I was talking about.

If you’re really interested in the issues of gay rights, politics and the rest of what goes with it, here are some links to what I think are excellent sources.

The first is a fairly long law review article, but it does provide a nicely detailed history of how, when and why much of this b.s. has come about:
Judith A. Reisman

From the City Journal:
City Journal
Spring 2003
Queering the Schools
Marjorie King

Originally from the Weekly Standard, here’s an account of what gave birth to the organization
Banned in Boston
Better not complain about the gay agenda for Massachusetts schools
(Appeared in “The Weekly Standard” July 3-10, 2000)

And these are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

All this hasn’t been accidental, and I really do wonder about the Republican establishment’s failure to deal with these issues honestly and openly. At the site they make some interesting assertions about Mitt Romney and how he aided and abetted the gay movement while he was governor. Don’t think I want him for President.

Say “Hello” to K. Trust all is well.



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