After the fall of the Soviet Union and the introduction of genuine electoral politics to Russia,
the city of Moscow, in order to save money, purchased used voting machines from the city of Chicago. When they held their first election for Mayor, Richard J. Daley won by a landslide. (That’s a joke. Then again, maybe not.)
Is this the first national election to be stolen? Or, are the following just “rumors”?
Perhaps the missing “White Voters” voted but weren’t counted, and the U.N. election observers showed up just to ensure the “correct” result.
Excerpts from this week’s Woodpile Report, courtesy of Remus:
The only unfair fight is the one they lose.
Philadelphia – Court-appointed Republican poll inspectors are being forcibly removed from voting stations in some Philadelphia wards and replaced in some cases by Democratic inspectors and even members of the Black Panthers, according to GOP officials.
Paul Bedard at
Philadelphia – One polling site in Philadelphia apparently had a mural of President Obama emblazoned on the wall directly behind the voting machines. The mural, at a local school being used as a polling site, contained the words “change!” and “hope,” along with a quote from the president.
Philadelphia Black Panthers – Jerry Jackson, who was charged in the 2008 case along with Minister King Samir Shabazz, but later saw charges dropped by the Department of Justice, was seen early Tuesday outside a North Philadelphia voting site wearing the group’s trademark black beret, combat-style uniform and heavy boots. Fox News confirmed he is a designated poll watcher.
Philadelphia, ACORN affiliate CVP – The Community Voters Project is a “non-partisan” lefty organization whose mission is to register people to vote, with a particular emphasis on minorities… This year, however, it seems they aren’t registering everyone who wants to vote. Outside a CVP office in Philadelphia, for example, they shredded and threw away numerous registration forms.
Mike Flynn at
Perry County Pennsylvania – A video posted on YouTube at a Pennsylvania polling station allegedly shows an electronic voting machine changing a man’s vote from President Barack Obama to Mitt Romney.
Chicago – “This photo, taken by a voter this morning at the Ward 4, Precinct 37 polling place shows an election judge checking in voters while wearing an Obama hat,” a source writes. “Chicago’s 4th ward is home to President Barack Obama.” The voter who took the photo says: “Woman in front of me also given an extra ballot.
Daniel Halper at
Guilford County North Carolina – I cast my vote for Mitt Romney but Obama’s name got the Check Mark (touch screen machine)! I was LIVID! So I called over a volunteer to show them. I clicked on Romney again and NO Check Mark appeared. So I clicked Romney AGAIN and PRESTO CHANGE-O..Obama’s name got Check Marked AGAIN right in front of the volunteers’ eyes!
Voter, via Joel Pollak at
Charlotte North Carolina – On Tuesday morning, there was a concern raised at Winding Springs Elementary School. Two voters Eyewitness News talked with said when they pressed the button attempting to vote for Mitt Romney, the machine put the check mark next to the name of President Barack Obama.
St. Louis Missouri – Claims of faulty machines giving votes intended for Mitt Romney to President Obama are unfounded, the Missouri Secretary of State’s office says.
Johnny Kampis at
Detroit – The Michigan Republican Party is alleging that a poll watcher in Detroit on Tuesday morning was threatened with a gun. According to the Michigan GOP the poll watcher’s 911 call was rejected.
Kerry Picket at
Detroit – A woman in a Detroit polling location was aggressively campaigning for Obama. A female voter in line objected. The Obama supporter punched the woman in the face. Police came to arrest her and she smacked the cop.
@electionjournal via
Bay Area California – We found over 25,000 questionable names still on the state voter rolls. A closer look at the data revealed that some of the dead people were not only registered, but somehow, even voted, several years after their death.
Stock, Escamilla and Nious at
Pueblo, Colorado – officials have received reports of touch-screen voting machines casting votes for Obama after people intended to vote for Romney.
Las Vegas – Last week, I met with two immigrant noncitizens who are not eligible to vote, but who nonetheless are active registered voters for Tuesday’s election. They said they were signed up by Culinary Local 226.
Glenn Cook at
Medina Ohio – Flyers claiming to be from a non-existent Tea Party in Medina, Ohio were placed in mailboxes on Monday urging Ohio voters to defeat “the n***er” in the White House to “help keep our country strong and white.”
Tony Lee at
Sturtevant, Wisconsin – Voted this morning at 9:30 am. I was confronted by two Obama supporters, wearing pro Obama shirts, taking pictures of everyone inserting their paper ballots in the voter machine asking how we were voting. I told clerk and she kicked them out but they just moved to the hallway of the entrance.
Boca Raton Florida – A woman attempting to vote in West Boca Raton this morning was initially prohibited from entering the polling place because she was wearing a tee shirt with the letters MIT.
Tallahassee Florida – A poster featuring President Obama that read “Change the Atmosphere” was reported to be hanging on a wall at a Florida, polling station. This photo was reportedly taken by a voter.
danjoseph at
Alan West candidacy and the St Lucie County Florida election results:
Only one precinct had less than 113% turnout. The unofficial vote count is 175,554 registered voters, 247,713 vote cards cast (141.10%). The National SEAL Museum, a St. Lucie county polling place, had 158.85% voter turn out, the highest in the county.
Richard Swier at
“Race remains undecided. Before moving forward, the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections must make public the poll book counts from Election Day and early voting. Given the dramatic late night swing in votes in St. Lucie County, we want to ensure that early votes were not double counted. The only way to know that is to compare the poll books to the actual number of votes cast. We are hopeful the Supervisor of Elections will cooperate and make that data available for inspection,” Edson said in a statement to The Huffington Post.
Jennifer Bendery at
Update: From Twitchy: Myth of ‘141% turnout’ in St. Lucie County, Fla., persists…
Voter turnout in St. Lucie County, Fla., was not 141 percent. The confusion arose because uninformed people mistakenly conflated the number of “cards cast” (the number of ballot pages submitted by voters) with the number of voters. Since most voters submitted two ballot pages, voter turnout in in St. Lucie County was roughly half the number of cards cast. Thus, turnout was roughly 70-71 percent, not 141 percent.
Hat Tip: Allahpundit @ HotAir Greenroom