In case you haven’t heard. . .
From the September 12th “Inside the Ring” column: 
China rejects zero option
President Obama and other disarmament advocates continue to call for the total elimination of nuclear arms. This week, China’s government signaled its intention to move in the opposite direction and expand and speed up its large-scale nuclear buildup.
The People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, stated in a Sept. 11 editorial that reports about China’s recent long-range nuclear-missile tests, including a future multiple-warhead ICBM, are part of a major shift in its nuclear posture.
“China must accelerate upgrading and strengthening its nuclear deterrent and make it real and believable,” the newspaper said.
The unusual statement was followed by another alarming comment: China should use its nuclear forces to coerce its enemies.
China left out of Romney campaign
The presidential election campaign of Republican Mitt Romney recently made public a policy memorandum by Harvard academic Lanhee Chen, listing what it sees as several foreign-policy and national-security failures by President Obama.
However, conspicuously absent from the list was any mention of China and the administration’s failure to coax China into behaving like a normal part of the international community.
There was no mention of China’s military buildup continuing apace in secret with no pressure from the administration for an explanation. It also ignored the current failure to halt the Chinese state-controlled press campaign to demonize the United States. It made no mention of the administration’s mishandling of efforts to prevent China from moving to control vast areas of international waters near its coasts, while alarming neighbors from Japan to India.
The lack of any reference to China reflects the pro-China bent of the formal Romney campaign advisers, such as Rich Williamson, who recently praised liberal China hand Kenneth Lieberthal, a former Clinton administration adviser who is considered a soft-liner on Beijing’s military buildup.
Warning on nuclear cuts
Mr. Kyl and Mr. Turner said that Mr. Obama promised to request full funding and to accelerate building a new chemistry and metallurgy research nuclear facility, but the funding cuts delayed construction from 2021 to 2028 at the earliest.
“This is all an unnecessary risk, because alternative funding sources have been proposed to the administration,” they stated.
“When we find ourselves replacing antiquated vacuum tubes with modern circuit boards, the risk of further delays in warhead-life extension is too great.”
Another major worry identified by the two lawmakers: “Our decades-old, land-based missile force remains without a proper replacement plan — contrary to The Post’s suggestion — while countries such as Russia and China deploy new missiles.”
“It is more than fair to criticize the president’s failure to honor his commitments; the future of the U.S. nuclear deterrent and extended deterrent is at risk,” they said.
Not sure why anyone should be worried about our land-based missile force deteriorating. We don’t even plan on using them: 
The Obama administration’s nuclear strategy review made public on Tuesday (04/06/10) keeps in place all strategic weapons needed to fight a nuclear war and presents only minor policy changes, a move that upset arms-control advocates who had sought major cuts in U.S. forces.
The report of the yearlong Nuclear Posture Review changes how nuclear arms will be used against non-nuclear weapons states. Nuclear-missile forces will remain on alert to be fired within minutes to counter a nuclear strike, but the intercontinental ballistic missile warheads now are targeted on open oceans — not Russian or Chinese cities — in case of an accidental launch, senior administration officials said in releasing the report.
From the September 18th Washington Free Beacon article “Chinese General: Prepare for Combat” 
China’s most powerful military leader, in an usual public statement, last week ordered military forces to prepare for combat, as Chinese warships deployed to waters near disputed islands and anti-Japan protests throughout the country turned violent.
Protests against the Japanese government’s purchase of three privately held islands in the Senkakus chain led to mass street protests, the burning of Japanese flags, and attacks on Japanese businesses and cars in several cities. Some carried signs that read “Kill all Japanese,” and “Fight to the Death” over disputed islands. One sign urged China to threaten a nuclear strike against Japan.
Gen. Xu Caihou, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, considered the most senior military political commissar, said Friday that military forces should be “prepared for any possible military combat,” state run Xinhua news agency reported.
Heightened tensions over the Senkakus come as Defense Secretary Leon Panetta arrived in China Monday.
Trust Mr. Panetta got a warmer reception than Mr. Gates did awhile back. 
I wonder when Obama’s “Soft Power” strategy will begin to kick-in? Any idea? Doesn’t seem to be working in the Middle East. However, when it comes to the Chinese, it’s former colonial invaders payback time. Just too bad we’re making it so easy for them. And paying them to boot!
Update — Guess the Chinese like Mr. Panetta better than Mr. Gates as can be seen in this DoD news release: “Panetta, Xi Welcome Closer U.S.-China Military Relations.” 
Just how “close” is that going to be, Mr. Panetta? Well, at least this close: 
Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta’s unusual offer to China’s military to join a major U.S.-led naval exercise in the Pacific prompted several U.S. security officials to express fears privately that China will gain valuable war-fighting intelligence from the Rimpac, or Rim of the Pacific, exercise.
China’s military will learn details on how the United States conducts coalition warfare, a strategic war-fighting capability. It also will learn valuable data on U.S. communications used in naval warfare maneuvers, said defense officials familiar with the war games.
Such cooperation also would violate legal restrictions on military exchanges with China that were imposed by Congress to prevent unrestricted cooperation with Beijing from enhancing Chinese war-fighting.
Mr. Rohrabacher (Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on government operations) also said such cooperation is not just impractical, but illegal.
“The Defense Authorization Act of 2000 prohibits this kind of military contact with China,” he said. “This is not only unwise, but illegal. It would be putting our military in a cooperative situation with a potential enemy.”
— Bill Gertz in this week’s “Inside the Ring”