With Mr. Steyn on the Road to Armageddon

This past August Mark Steyn spoke at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire shortly after the publication of his new book, “After America: Get Ready for Armageddon.” Listening to what the man has to say while thinking about what has and has not transpired since then is most sobering, indeed bracing. And nothing in what he says contravenes my exclamation in the fall of 2008 that “our grandchildren will dig up our bones and smash them” for what we will have bequeathed them. Unless, of course, panem et circenses continue to obscure reality and they care not.

And may I suggest that you skip ahead to the 7:45 mark in the first video so as to go directly to the heart of the matter. Total time about 1 hour 3 minutes without skipping.

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